Avoid These 4 D's of the Devil!" 吉珥 Satan is a liar and the father of lies. He will use every trick in the book to cheat and intimidate you out of fulfilling God's plans and designs for your life. In fact, the closer you come to God's destiny, the greater the resistance you will face. The devil prowls "like a lion," but if you can learn to recognize these four D's of the enemy's schemes, you can take the bite out of his attack! DELAY – This is the #1 tactic of the enemy. He will use delay to wear you out, weaken your resolve, and cause you to lose your hope and vision. His goal is to get you to quit before the breakthrough! DECEIT – The devil will try to lure you away from or derail God's purposes. Usually, the enemy won't use a flat-out lie, but he will use a half-truth to seduce you into an extreme position of inst...