
Meditate Devotional Shielded from Every Device of the Enemy


In Ephesians 6:16

take the shield of faith to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one

Douay-Rheims Bible在所有事情上都以信仰為盾牌,用它你可以熄滅最邪惡者的所有火箭。

拿著信心的藤牌。我的迷思是卡在藤牌,今天解迷,藤牌,英文翻譯是盾牌,在詩篇,告訴我們上帝的真理是大小的盾牌。所以,應該是 拿起對真理的信心,銷滅(滅火),惡者一切的火箭。我想口舌如火,相信真理,就能滅火,惡者口舌的火,各種的火箭。



His feathersKK 音標. 〔 ˋfєðZ 〕

His truth shall be your shield KK[ˋʃild]; DJ[ˋʃi:ld] and bucklerKK音标发音: [ˈbʌklɚ]


shield 大型盾牌

A shield is much larger, one you can dig into the ground and hide behind when spears, arrows, or rocks are being launched at you in a bigger attack.


A buckler refers to a small round shield used for close-contact fighting. 





In Ephesians 6:16

take the shield of faith to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one


美 [kwentʃ] 

v. (動詞)

  1. 撲滅,熄滅(火、光)
  2. 使冷卻,使驟冷,將(熱物體)放入水中急速冷卻
用作動詞 (v.)

  1. Water will quench a fire.
  2. Nothing could quench her longing to return home again.




Berean Study Bible除了這一切,拿起信仰的盾牌,用它可以熄滅邪惡者的所有火焰箭。

Douay-Rheims Bible在所有事情上都以信仰為盾牌,用它你可以熄滅最邪惡者的所有火箭。



Young 的字面翻譯最重要的是,拿起信仰的盾牌,你們將能夠熄滅邪惡者所有的火箭,

Why? Because the shield of faith will cover you all around. Amen!

That is why the devil is after your shield of faith—he wants to make you doubt God’s Word, which is His truth. 

Once you take up the shield of faith, his attacks against you cannot prosper. 

So lift up your shield!

Shielded from Every Device of the Enemy

His truth shall be your shield and buckler.

Psalm 91:4

Psalm 91:4 starts with “He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge” and ends with this proclamation: “His truth shall be your shield and buckler.” What is the shield and buckler? A buckler refers to a small round shield used for close-contact fighting. A shield is much larger, one you can dig into the ground and hide behind when spears, arrows, or rocks are being launched at you in a bigger attack. So whether it is a small or big attack, His truth—your shield and buckler—covers you completely!

In Ephesians 6:16, it tells us to, above all, take the shield of faith to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. Why? Because the shield of faith will cover you all around. Amen! That is why the devil is after your shield of faith—he wants to make you doubt God’s Word, which is His truth. Once you take up the shield of faith, his attacks against you cannot prosper. So lift up your shield!

My dear reader, as you listen to messages about Jesus’ finished work and your faith is being built, your shield is also being built. Even if you are found in the wrong place at the wrong time, the Lord can protect you when His shield of faith surrounds you and you are placed under the shadow of His wings.

One of our church members was driving on the freeway with his family and came behind a van that had a queen-size mattress tied to its roof. Suddenly, the ropes that secured the mattress to the van snapped and the mattress came hurtling toward his vehicle. He and his wife braced themselves for impact, expecting the large mattress to crash into their windscreen, since there was no way they could avoid it in time.

Miraculously, the mattress somehow hit the road just in front of their car, bounced to the side, and hit another car instead. Thankfully, the driver of that car was able to brake in time and did not cause an accident. For our church member, it was as if a force field—or an invisible shield—had protected his whole family! Can you imagine what could have happened if that large mattress had crashed into the windscreen of his car, which was ferrying his wife as well as their young children in the backseat? Let’s give thanks to the Lord, for He is so good and His tender mercies endure forever! Truly, He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge.



生命教練課程 簡報整理

情緒面 1.基礎情緒覺察 快樂、悲傷、害怕、焦慮、憤怒、驚訝 2.ABC理論幫你轉念! 紓解壓力、放鬆心情 A-誘發事件 B-思考信念: 好思考 或 壞思考。 C-結果:好情緒和行為 或 壞的情緒和行為。 範例 A考試不及格 - B( 好思考 )失敗乃成功之母- 有點不開心但很快就好了 -C(結果) 努力尋找改善成績的方法 B( 壞思考 )失敗代表我是一個沒有價值的人- 情緒崩潰 -C(結果) 用酒精麻醉自己 3.A good question cannot be answered immediately. (面對生命的迷宮,人的發問) Where are you, Lord? (上帝在亞當迷失,神的發問)Where are you? 六、問題的種類與使用時機 (一)探索式提問 1.開放式問題 (我自己摘書)問什麼 如何 哪一個 誰 2.多角度探索問題 A背景原因 這個問題是 如何發生 的? 這件事 如何演變到這個地步 ? 你還有想到哪些因素 造成這個結果 ? B經歷探索 你 以前遇過 這樣的事嗎?當時發生了什麼? 以前這種事 帶給你何種影響? 你是 如何回應 當時的狀態? 從這些經歷和回應的方式 , 有沒有發現什麼 模式 或 類似的地方 ? C情緒性因素 在這個 轉變過程 你有什麼 情緒湧起 ? 你對 這個事件 的 感受如何 ? 回想這件事 你有哪些 心得 或 想到哪些情境 ? 你剛剛提到,這是 讓你很不舒服 ,要不要 多談一些 ? D他人的看法 你覺得 (重要關係人)怎麼看待 這件事? 你的同事/朋友/親友 如何看你的處境 /狀態/事件? 如果你是他 (她) 你會怎麼想 ? 你似乎最在乎這個人,你覺得 他會如何回應 這件事? E信息再探索 請 舉例 ,說明 你的想法 ? 你 如何解釋你的立場 ?對方又是 如何回應 ? 請你多談一下 事件的原因 ? 聽完這些資訊,你覺得 整個事件核心內容會是什麼 ? 我感覺, 你很在乎這件事 ,能多談一下 原因是什麼 ? F方向與展望 之前 有類似的經驗 嗎? 對你的影響是什麼 ? 你是 如何回應的 ? 你覺得,事情會往 哪個方向發展 ? 你對這件事的 期待是什麼 ? 你想要 的 結果會是什麼 ? 最好的狀態會是什麼 ? 七避免提問的地雷區 避免指控性或是個人論斷性口語 避免使用責問、威逼、羞辱的強烈語氣 避免使用"為什麼"的字眼

書 來自天堂法庭的判決

作者 韓若柏使徒 (Robert Henderson) 心得 年初台灣、香港辦了好多場特會,加上身邊友人提到試著以這個應許來代禱事奉,讓我好奇「天上法庭」。 「天上法庭」主要是強調「戰場」和「法庭」是不同的場域、功能不同,一般人禱告是在「戰場」是硬碰硬的爭戰,忽略必須先到「法庭」取得合法權利,有了合法授權,事情就解決了,甚至不用上「戰場」。 書中教導了「天上法庭」在聖經中相關經文,以及向中保耶穌禱告取得「合法權利」,結束敵對者的控告及阻擋,神的國臨到,禱告蒙應允。 摘要 1「天上法庭」的概念,參與的成員,以及運作的模式。 2「耶穌中保」,到耶穌面前認罪悔改,謙卑自己,耶穌是我們在法庭的辯護律師,取得「合法權利」。 3見證:個人見證(個人家庭財務),聖經例證(拉撒路復活,耶穌示範運用「天上法庭」的運作,神的國彰顯拉撒路死而復活)。 總結 「天上法庭」引導我們看見聖經這方面的真理 ,也進一步學習向耶穌中保禱告,堅強信心,禱告蒙應允。 重點章節 第十五章 將案件呈上天堂法庭 1.退下戰埸,先上法庭。 路18:1-8 弗6:12 2.呈上案件 場景:但7:10 提醒神:賽43:26-27 3與我們的控告者和解 啟12:10 呈上案件之後,路18:9-14 4.在法庭中發聲 確立主耶穌的寶血(認罪悔改) 有九種聲音(見證者的聲音) 過程中感覺有控告者抵擋,"單單"是指要趕快為任何被使用在法庭中擋阻我們事悔改。 (太5:25和對頭和解是指,我們"單單"為任何被使用在法庭中擋阻我們事悔改。) 5.承諾己罪 何14:1-2 約壹1:9 啟12:10-11(包括"承諾己罪"、"財物奉獻"都是聲音。) 6.拿到判決,開始清理戰場。 斥責、奉主耶穌的名斷開一切.....。 你會發現快速有果效。 原理經文: 西2:13-14 雅4:7 7作出判決。 從神的角度來看,我們是君王、祭司的角色。(啟1:6,5:10) 先以祭司代求,後君王作出判決。 以祭司的角色到神面前代求,取得合法權利,再由君王的角色宣

書 當先知以賽亞遇見火燄飛龍 |張文亮

1.書名:當先知以賽亞遇見火燄飛龍 2.作者出版社年度:張文亮/校園書房/201807 3.內容摘要/心得 本書主要研究聖經以賽亞書中的動物與植物。 作者是位科學家,以科學的角度探索以賽亞中的生物,經由查考文獻,解答了生物為何。作者也是位敬虔的基督徒,從聖經的脈絡中,得到先知藉由生物要表達的意思,進而解答上帝說了什麼?當比喻一解開立刻感到茅塞頓開,得生命之道。 4.適合誰讀 (1)研經者。 (2)對生物感興趣者。 (3)青少年。